TRIPTYCH TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY The first thing we need to decide is the orientation of our triptych (horizontal or vertical).
IF we have a HORIZONTAL image we will use a vertical orientation for our triptych.
IF we have a VERTICAL image we will use a horizontal orientation.
STEP 1. To start out new file we will first copy one of the images we will use for our triptych. To do this Go To the SELECT menu and choose All. Then go to the EDIT menu and choose Copy. This will copy the size of our original file. Once you have done this, start a New File by going to the FILE menu and choose New. Step 2 will show you how to change that file.
STEP 2. Before clicking on the OK button to start your new file, we will need to change the size of your new image. If you have an original image that is Horizontal, you will create a Vertical Triptych using the formula below. Change the size of your new image using the pixel dimensions (see image below).
TO CREATE A VERTICAL TRIPTYCH Height of original image X 3 + 800 px
Width of original image + 400 px
TO CREATE A HORIZONTAL TRIPTYCH Width of original image X 3 + 800 px
Height of original image + 400 px STEP 3. Open all of the files you want included in your triptych in Photoshop. IF your image has multiple Layers (fig 1) you will need to merge the visible layers together (fig 2) before moving the file into your new image. This step is only necessary if you have multiple layers on your image.
FIG 1.
FIG 2.
STEP 4. Using your MOVE tool (upper left of tool bar, looks like an arrow) click and drag each image into your new file.
STEP 5. Arrange your image so the space around them is even. You should include borders on the sides, top and bottom of the image. Again, these should be even borders.
STEP 6. You may change the background color using the paint bucket tool, but make sure to use neutral colors (black, white, grey). Save your image as a JPG file and turn it in to docushare. Don't be afraid to try different arrangements, come up with several different versions and turn in the one you like best.
IF we have a HORIZONTAL image we will use a vertical orientation for our triptych.
IF we have a VERTICAL image we will use a horizontal orientation.
STEP 1. To start out new file we will first copy one of the images we will use for our triptych. To do this Go To the SELECT menu and choose All. Then go to the EDIT menu and choose Copy. This will copy the size of our original file. Once you have done this, start a New File by going to the FILE menu and choose New. Step 2 will show you how to change that file.
STEP 2. Before clicking on the OK button to start your new file, we will need to change the size of your new image. If you have an original image that is Horizontal, you will create a Vertical Triptych using the formula below. Change the size of your new image using the pixel dimensions (see image below).
TO CREATE A VERTICAL TRIPTYCH Height of original image X 3 + 800 px
Width of original image + 400 px
TO CREATE A HORIZONTAL TRIPTYCH Width of original image X 3 + 800 px
Height of original image + 400 px STEP 3. Open all of the files you want included in your triptych in Photoshop. IF your image has multiple Layers (fig 1) you will need to merge the visible layers together (fig 2) before moving the file into your new image. This step is only necessary if you have multiple layers on your image.
FIG 1.
FIG 2.
STEP 4. Using your MOVE tool (upper left of tool bar, looks like an arrow) click and drag each image into your new file.
STEP 5. Arrange your image so the space around them is even. You should include borders on the sides, top and bottom of the image. Again, these should be even borders.
STEP 6. You may change the background color using the paint bucket tool, but make sure to use neutral colors (black, white, grey). Save your image as a JPG file and turn it in to docushare. Don't be afraid to try different arrangements, come up with several different versions and turn in the one you like best.