Digital Art
Digital Art covers art exploration of visual design as a communication
tool. Projects may include typography, photography, print media, and
animation. Computer software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash will be used to generate original work.
Personal Logo Design/ICON Design
For this project, students learn about logos and Icons. They learn about why companies need logos/icons and how to make a better logo/icon that will be recognizable as well as meaningful to any viewer. Their goal for this project is to create a logo that is personal to them. They are to choose imagery and design qualities that will display their personality or interests.
animation. Computer software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash will be used to generate original work.
Personal Logo Design/ICON Design
For this project, students learn about logos and Icons. They learn about why companies need logos/icons and how to make a better logo/icon that will be recognizable as well as meaningful to any viewer. Their goal for this project is to create a logo that is personal to them. They are to choose imagery and design qualities that will display their personality or interests.
Minimalist Poster Design
Animation: Obstacle Course & Morphing Animation
Creating a path to follow and Morphing are key aspects of animation. Changing an object into another object during an animation takes creativity and ingenuity. Students may morph an object that appears at the beginning of the animation into a completely different object and/or create an course for an object to move through. Students use Adobe Illustrator to create the frames of the animation and then use Adobe Flash to create movement between the steps. Using the animation to create a visual narrative is important for this project.
Portrait Illustration
The self portrait grid is used to help students learn the more advanced features of Adobe Photoshop. This program allows students to edit photographs however they want to. This grid consists of nine different variations of self-portraits by the student. They may use the same photo for all nine or nine different photos. No two photos may use the same treatment, and only three of the images may use a photoshop filter as the treatment. Students with previous photoshop experience may substitute using a Theme instead of using new treatments for each photograph.
The self portrait grid is used to help students learn the more advanced features of Adobe Photoshop. This program allows students to edit photographs however they want to. This grid consists of nine different variations of self-portraits by the student. They may use the same photo for all nine or nine different photos. No two photos may use the same treatment, and only three of the images may use a photoshop filter as the treatment. Students with previous photoshop experience may substitute using a Theme instead of using new treatments for each photograph.
Portrait Manipulation
The self portrait MAnipulation is used to help students learn the more advanced features of Adobe Photoshop. This program allows students to edit photographs however they want to. Students with previous photoshop experience may substitute using a Theme instead of using new treatments for their photograph.
Sequence Gif / Clone montage
Students will create a cohesive image containing a minimum of three images of the same person. This may be a self-portrait or use images of another person. The project stresses overall composition and decision making as well as problems solving skills.
Students will create a cohesive image containing a minimum of three images of the same person. This may be a self-portrait or use images of another person. The project stresses overall composition and decision making as well as problems solving skills.
Propaganda Poster
Students learn about the history of the use of imagery in propaganda. Students use the knowledge of how and why propaganda was used to create their own posters to promote a person, place, event, etc. Students are encouraged to sensationalize their images without offending other people. Stylization of the images and adding a retro feel is also taught in class and students are encouraged to use those effects.
Students learn about the history of the use of imagery in propaganda. Students use the knowledge of how and why propaganda was used to create their own posters to promote a person, place, event, etc. Students are encouraged to sensationalize their images without offending other people. Stylization of the images and adding a retro feel is also taught in class and students are encouraged to use those effects.
Surrealism: Synectic triggers/randomness project
For this assignment, students are expected to create a project based on a design synectic of their choice. The students must not only make these images look professional, but also make these images mean something. The images may be based on history, the relationship of two different people or objects, or many other things.
For this assignment, students are expected to create a project based on a design synectic of their choice. The students must not only make these images look professional, but also make these images mean something. The images may be based on history, the relationship of two different people or objects, or many other things.